| date: 29 September 2021

The Youtube platform, among others, is getting increasingly annoying with regards to freedom of political and creative expression. Video’s and channels are flagged as inappropriate, and deleted en masse, often without an acceptable reason given. Therefore we are currently examining LBRY and Odysee as a replacement platform. The clip below is an unofficial remix of The Laugh, which I did not finish within the deadline, due to seasonal affective dissorder and related issues. More of these will be posted on LBRY.

Perambulator Video Clips

| date: 3 August 2012

5 Tracks from Perambulator One (Chans Records 002)
Video Clips for Reakt shop window, at Wagenstraat, Den Haag

New Server

| date: 29 May 2011


Warming up

StichMa TV

| date: 3 November 2010

Test Post From Phone

| date: 30 October 2010


Molyvos Deshaked

| date: 8 September 2007

Walking around at Molyvos harbour (Greece). deliberately recording a shaky video, because I wanted to test the Deshaker plugin for virtualdub. It takes a while to get the settings right, but the end result is impressive. The camera seems to float, but the artifacts (the plugin steals bits of surrounding frames to fill in the missing parts) prove that it didn’t.

Download deshaker
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