Lola de Musica (1996)
| date: 5 February 1996Unit ‘the band’ Moebius on VPRO television.
Unit ‘the band’ Moebius on VPRO television.
I have been trying to determine the exact date of this event. Some old squat newsletters mention a public protest and a band called Snakepiss, which recalled some vague memories of people making fun of this band’s name. I also remember having a winter depression, which fits the cloudy, rainy, miserable weather in the video. And I was playing the SH-101, dressed up as one of the Freddy Mercuries. Therefore, I declare this video to have probably been recorded on the 14th of march 1992 (by an unknown cameraman / woman).
part 1:
part 2:
In the process, I stumbled upon a seemingly well organised collection of data about the dutch squat & activist movement. Guess who’s nephew is the curator of this archive ?
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