Podcast 002

date: 15 October 2021

Podcast from the Past: a special hour by Shitcluster and Unit Moebius Anonymous, created for Red Light radio and Haperende Mens Festival (September 2014)



date: 29 September 2021

The Youtube platform, among others, is getting increasingly annoying with regards to freedom of political and creative expression. Video’s and channels are flagged as inappropriate, and deleted en masse, often without an acceptable reason given. Therefore we are currently examining LBRY and Odysee as a replacement platform. The clip below is an unofficial remix of The Laugh, which I did not finish within the deadline, due to seasonal affective dissorder and related issues. More of these will be posted on LBRY.

Publicity B/W

date: 19 September 2021

“Publicity B/W” is an online exhibition, with flyers and posters of Unit Moebius gigs, all black and white, created between 1992-1998 by various artists. No corona passport needed! Smoking allowed, bring your own drinks.

Best in full screen.

IFM streaming festival 2021

date: 21 May 2021

Unit Moebius Anonymous live at The 2021 Intergalactic FM Streaming Festival (NL)

Original dirty handwritten ‘Die Parasites’ Tank Top (XL) available at https://loslaten.bandcamp.com/merch

Shitcluster @ IFM 2021

date: 21 May 2021

Shitcluster live at The 2021 Intergalactic FM Streaming Festival (NL)


Elaine’s Song

date: 20 May 2021

MINIGOD – Elaine’s Song.
Recorded and filmed around 1988, in Zoetermeer (NL)

Brullend Breekijzer

date: 13 May 2021

Brullend Breekijzer AXIE FEEST, LIVE from 17-5-1997, Den Haag (NL)

18th birthday celebration of squat Brullend Breekijzer in Den Haag, the Netherlands. Live bands and tekno by Orange Sunshine, Head Mix Collective, White Trash Minstrels, kraakmartijn, and more.

19 mei = B.B. 18

Thanks to: Bence, Pisti, And thony (camera)


date: 20 January 2021

Pre Order: rubber-denhaag.bandcamp.com/album/de-bus

Rubber brings it back to home ground by diving deeper into Jan Duivenvoorden’s shoeboxes. Travelling beyond Unit Moebius, Funky Sobrietas and even Leuk & Ko, there was MINIGOD.

Back in 1987, at a local youth centre in the ever-dull Zoetermeer, a group of seven non-musical friends started what could be considered a freeform band ”electronic ’beuk‘ music with noise guitar and lyrical texts”. This band was called MINIGOD and rose from the ashes of the performative act Aars/rugklachten. Their change not only meant an upgrade in instruments – from jerrycans, barrels and worn-out bass guitar to keyboard and synthesizers – but also from simply screaming into the void towards songs with something of a structure.

The release portrays MINIGOD quintessentially — energy above professionalism. From a large number of tracks Rubber made a precise selection allowing punk and satire to dance cheek-to-cheek. MINIGOD believed that every human can be a tiny bit of God, and that was just the way this music was intended. If only everybody believed in themselves, and in others.

MINIGOD is Jan Duivenvoorden (Unit Moebius), Richard van den Bogaert (Leuk & Ko), and Rob de Bakker played keyboard and synthesizer, Edwin Zuidwijk played guitar, and Siuli Ko and Bart Barendregt did the vocals.

Limited to 123 copies.

Bunker 014

date: 23 December 2020

“First-time reissue of this valuable Bunker document. After the success of the label’s first seven Unit Moebius releases, number fourteen see Duivenvoorden & co tap into the same bowl of acid that made the earlier releases so infectious. Eight gnarly acid tracks that still stand as some of the most dark yet quirky techno around” – review copied from the internet

To celebrate the concept of unlawful reissues, we offer free downloads on our bandcamp page, and a couple of very affordable compilation boxes.

A physical vinyl version of Bunker 014 can be obtained as part of the limited edition Unit Moebius / Bunker – 6 x Vinyl box, now almost cheaper than international shipping: https://loslaten.bandcamp.com/album/unit-moebius-bunker-special


Unit Moebius / Bunker Special

Each package contains 6 vinyl records:

– Unit Moebius – Bunker 014
– Nimoy – Bunker 3070
– Raffle: Two pieces of vinyl of classic must-have’s Unit Moebius (selected from Bunker 001 – 006)
– Raffle: Two pieces of vinyl of Unit Moebius- or Bunker- related vinyl (for example:. UM KUIKEN1 + 2 / UM RHYTHM023 (T-warp) / shitcluster panzerkreuz, etc.)

– – – – – –

See also: CHANS Records / Tapenade Vinyl Collection 8 pcs. (with Unit Moebius Anonymous, Shitcluster, etcetera, all from Den Haag) on loslaten.bandcamp.com

Limited edition packages

Happy Xmas and a less restricted 2021 – CHANS records / Maldoror foundation, Den Haag (NL)

Shipping out on or around December 23, 2020
Edition of 21

Buy Record/Vinyl Package €30 EUR

Digital versions of these Unit Moebius / Bunker 6 x Vinyl are freely available for download on loslaten.bandcamp.com



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