Midlight A Parigi

| date: 13/02/2015


Pip Den Haag

Binckhorstlaan 36, 2513 BE Den Haag
friday 6th of march, 23:00

The shades were always drawn on the ninth-floor apartment. “Shhh,” she whispered from her dingy mattress as the sun rose one morning. “If you close your eyes, you can pretend it’s not happening. It’s hard to accept that it’s over. You never know what went wrong, but you must realize that no matter how much you wanted it to be different, it was what is was. Morning was a time for getting straight.

In honoration of the lost souls of Bahnhof Zoo, Gare du Nord, Perron 0, Binnen Bantammerstraat and places alike in cities such as New York, Copenhagen and Vancouver we courtly invite you to come trifling with us.

We offer two sleazed up areas handled with gusto, the most notorious pack of DJ’s and live artists whom are residential to Midlight or Bordello and all that in combination with your darkest dreams which are your strangest memories to be.

Forget about tomorrow and come share some of that special love.


Unit Moebius (Acid Planet, Bunker) – Live

Pametex (Murder Capital, Midlight)

Gustav & Dickie (Midlight, Mangroove)

Onno Clap (Pllek, Midlight)


Lazercat (Bordello A Parigi, Berlin) – Live

Mr. Pauli (Clone, Moustache) – Live

Vanzetti & Sacco (Bordello A Parigi, Mannequin)

Naks (Magic Waves, Berlin)


see facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/887815354603904/?ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular

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