Archive for June, 2011



| date: 17 June 2011

Unreleased Unit Moebius cassette

Equipment: Boss DR-660 drumcomputer, Akai S-950 sampler, mixer, delay pedal.


| date: 16 June 2011
A mysterious new label from The Hague, set up and run by Shitcluster and Unit Moebius (of Acidplanet and Bunker fame), who also team up for the first release, a twisted 50 minute trip though paranoid black sound scapes with industrial techno backdrops crossing the dimensional divides. Straight from The Hague’s deepest underground and guaranteed to blow your mind!

More at


Chasing Rabbits

| date: 16 June 2011

Radio Tonka live performance by Unit Moebius and Saló Mentale, recorded around 1995

Equipment: Roland R-70 Rhythm Composer, Casio Sample Keyboard and a microphone

Chans Records 1

| date: 7 June 2011

Shitcluster and Unit Moebius Anonymous on record.

Electric Faeces 3 of 3

| date: 5 June 2011

Electric Faeces 2 of 3

| date: 5 June 2011

Electric Faeces 1 of 3

| date: 4 June 2011

First part of trip to Hungary (Szigetvar) music festival, summer 2002: the preparations, train, beers, camping, fortress, orphans, etc.

New Forms

| date: 4 June 2011

Eline en de Allochtonen @ New Forms (year?)


| date: 3 June 2011

Music: from benser 05 cassette ‘To Collect Ancient Melodies’
Clip: Minka Medik


| date: 3 June 2011

Paramaribo Zoo, februari 2010


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