| date: 17/11/2010Short clip for Stichma TV, in memory of E. Lucassen
Coincidental resemblance is intentional
I was warned in 2021 by some Youtube robots that this video contained explicit content with the intent to sexually arouse the viewer. The video has been published 10 years ago, without any complaints. The video showed mr. Lucassen (member of a well known dutch right wing political party, who has become infamous for pissing in peoples mailboxes, hence his nickname ‘ de brievenbuspisser’) with a dickhead instead of a bold head, and instead of having a penis he had a little head of Geert Wilders between his legs. A possible reason to flag the video were the images of naked girls performing military exercises, however no explicit nudity was shown, because they were covered in mud, and a computer effect made them look like caleidoscopic alien spiders. The video was intended as a funny art work commenting on contemporary events. Now, let’s all move to