| date: 29 September 2001
CD-Rom recovered from old shoebox:
Visual impressions of the Niemandsland Performance Festival in Den Haag (NL).
Rembrandtstraat video filmed by Nicole van Harskamp.
Shitcluster performance filmed by Natasja van Kampen.
Foto’s by Pierre Sondeijker 29 september 2001
More about the festival here: https://www.loslaten.tk/blog/2001/09/29/911-game/
posted: 02/10/2021 | updated: 03/10/2021 | Tags: shitcluster
| date: 29 September 2001
Event: Niemandsland (no man’s land) performance festival.
Location: squat building on desolate area concealed between abandoned houses in the inner town of Den Haag
Basic game rules: two terrorists must swing their planes towards the ‘skyscrapers’ in order to make them fall over. A point is scored for each direct hit. Skyscrapers win points by staying upright. The game is over when the maximum amount of 9 points is reached, or when both skyscrapers have collapsed. Shitcluster Soundtrack appears on Niemandsland CD

posted: 25/10/2010 | updated: 02/10/2021 | Tags: shitcluster